Media and Events

Bold Journey, Meet Dr. Beverly Armento

Snowflakes in a Blizzard, Q&A

Women Writers, Guest Article
Inspired by the many teachers who mentored and encouraged me during my own school years, I became an educator and enjoyed a rewarding fifty-year career, teaching upper elementary school students as well as preparing future teachers in my role as a college professor. Fifty years sped by, as I was propelled by a mission: to “pay back” those angel-teachers who had influenced me and who made me feel important every day. Even though I was a poor kid from the projects, they sent me the message that I could do anything I put my mind to. And so, I did. My teachers were my role models, my mentors, and I felt it important for me to treat each of my own students as my teachers had treated me: with dignity, respect, and high expectations. Read more from the article.

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